New Lucid Dreaming Study; exploring the dream space

Probandenaufrufe / Umfragen: Studien- Doktor- und Bachelorarbeiten etc.
Beiträge: 755
Registriert seit: 9 Jahren 7 Monaten
Geschlecht: weiblich
KT-Anzahl: 222
Hat Karma vergeben: 48 Mal
Karma erhalten: 91 Mal

New Lucid Dreaming Study; exploring the dream space


Beitrag von glider »

Im neuen LDE-Magazin fand ich folgenden Projektaufruf, indem es darum geht, nach Möglichkeit 3 KT's zu haben, in denen man ein Quadrat, ein Dreieck und einen Kreis fliegt, läuft, schwimmt, usw. und genau beobachtet, was mit dem Raum der KT-Szene dabei geschieht.
Ich finde das noch eine interessante Idee
New Lucid Dreaming Study
Seeks Participants
A new dream research study seeks lucid dreamers,
willing to complete a task within a lucid dream that
involves exploring the dream space.
If you send your email address to, the research
protocol will be sent to you. Once you receive the research instructions and read
them closely, the researchers hope you will have a lucid dream, recall the task,
perform it (while paying close attention to details) and complete the task.
After the lucid dream, the researchers ask that you carefully record your lucid
dream, make detailed notes about performing the experimental task and answer
the research questionnaire about your experience within the lucid dream. You will
then send the completed questionnaire to
To participate, please confirm that you meet the following requirements:
● You have had at least one lucid dream in the past 12 months.
● You are at least 18 years or older.
● You have the ability to express yourself in English.
To join the study, please send an email to:
[Note: Your email address will only be used to communicate about the study].
Within 24 hours, you will receive the research protocol instructions about the task
and the questionnaire to complete after fulfilling the lucid dream task. If you have
lucid dreaming friends, please make them aware of the study. More lucid dream
participants will assist the research efforts.
The researchers hope that all participants will send in their lucid dream reports
by May 15, 2017 at the latest.
Thanks for your participation in this study!
Beiträge: 755
Registriert seit: 9 Jahren 7 Monaten
Geschlecht: weiblich
KT-Anzahl: 222
Hat Karma vergeben: 48 Mal
Karma erhalten: 91 Mal

New Lucid Dreaming Study; exploring the dream space


Beitrag von glider »

Auch dieses Jahr gibt es wieder eine (noch etwas anspruchsvollere) Lucid dream Challenge. Die Studienleiter sind wieder Robert Waggoner und Nigel Hammilton:

New Lucid Dreaming Study
Seeks Participants
A new dream research study seeks lucid dreamers,
willing to complete a task within a lucid dream that
involves exploring the dream space.

If you send your email address to , the research
protocol will be sent to you. Once you receive the research instructions and read
them closely, the researchers hope you will have a lucid dream, recall the task,
perform it (while paying close attention to details) and complete the task.

After the lucid dream, the researchers ask that you carefully record your lucid
dream, make detailed notes about performing the experimental task and answer
the research questionnaire about your experience within the lucid dream. You will
then send the completed questionnaire to

To participate, please confirm that you meet the following requirements:
● You have had at least one lucid dream in the past 12 months.
● You are at least 18 years or older.
● You have the ability to express yourself in English.

To join the study, please send an email to:
[Note: Your email address will only be used to communicate about the study].
Within 24 hours, you will receive the research protocol instructions about the task
and the questionnaire to complete after fulfilling the lucid dream task. If you have
lucid dreaming friends, please make them aware of the study. More lucid dream
participants will assist the research efforts.

The researchers hope that all participants will send in their lucid dream reports
by May 15, 2018 at the latest.